Business Hall wants to expand the potential of Mercopar

The Opportunities Central and the Public Procurement Panel are among the actions promoted during the fair
Caxias do Sul/RS – Obtaining reliable and industry-focused information, getting to know the demands and possibilities of providing goods and services, all in one business-friendly place – these are some of the main objectives of the Business Hall that will be available to exhibitors and visitors of the 24th Mercopar – Subcontracting and Industrial Innovation Fair, which takes place October 6-9, in Caxias do Sul. Coordinated by Sebrae/RS, the event will include initiatives such as the Opportunities Center, Public Procurement Panel and the Technology Opportunities Panel, in addition to the traditional Business Rounds.
The largest subcontracting and industrial innovation trade fair in Latin America, Mercopar is geared for industrial automation industries, as well as rubber, electronics, energy and environment, metal mechanic, material handling and storage, plastics and industrial services. For this reason, the event gains importance now that it is increasingly necessary to develop new markets and exchange information. The opportunities central is a digital platform that will present products and services from micro and small enterprises of all sizes, providing opportunities for conducting business. “Regarding the Public Procurement Panel, for example, you can keep up with the demands presented by public institutions previously contacted by Sebrae/RS,” said Sheila Soibelman Wainer, the Sector Industry Management, Sebrae/RS.
SMALL AND MEDIUM – Last year, about 3000 opportunities were mapped and made available during the fair. SEBRAE/RS conducted a survey to identify the reasons why small businesses do not take part in large tenders. Difficulties with documentation, lack of interest and the idea that these opportunities are not for them were some of the causes. “Our goal is to bring small and medium enterprises closer to these business possibilities,” adds Sheila Wainer.
Mercopar is organized by the Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises in Rio Grande do Sul (Sebrae/RS) and Hannover Fairs Sulamerica, a company of the Deutsche Messe AG Group. Signing up for visitation, as well as more information about the event can be obtained at