Mercopar opens registrations for the Business Rounds

It is a great opportunity for micro and small enterprises for contacting high-profile buyers
Caxias do Sul – At the current scenario, the recipe for overcoming market adversities includes harder and more focused work, taking full advantage of opportunities. In this context, the Business Rounds to be held during the 24th Mercopar in October, in Caxias do Sul, perfectly fit into the planning of micro and small enterprises.
During the second and third day of the largest subcontracting and industrial innovation trade fair in Latin America, Sebrae/RS will coordinate hundreds of meetings in which the main focus is to bring together the interests of those who want to sell products and services to respond to demands brought by companies around the country. Registrations are open until September 11 and can be made at
For this year’s edition, the expectation is to have about 45 purchasing companies, especially from the metal and mechanic sector, and 200 providers. According to the coordinator of the Business Rounds at SEBRAE/RS, Jakson da Luz, registrations are open to all exhibitors at the fair and also the participants of the projects organized by Sebrae/RS. “We have a perfect environment, with the support of our technicians for micro and small enterprises to make the most of these opportunities,” he says.
Among the buyers already confirmed, highlights include Pirelli Pneus, from Feira de Santana – Bahia, Caloi and Alltech Group, both from São Paulo, Ciser Parafusos e Porcas, from Joinville and CAF, from Porto Alegre, the company responsible for the maintenance of the new Trensurb (Metropolitan Train System) equipment. More information about registrations for the Business Rounds can also be obtained by calling (51) 3216-5146.
Mercopar takes place October 6-9 and is organized by the Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises in Rio Grande do Sul (Sebrae/RS) and Hannover Fairs Sulamerica, a company of the Deutsche Messe AG Group. Signing up for visitation, as well as more information about the event can be obtained at