Mercopar – Opportunity and Public Procurement Center

The goal is to expand business possibilities for exhibitors and visitors at the trade fair to be held in Caxias do Sul
Caxias do Sul/RS – Considered one of the most important Latin American events in the subcontracting and industrial innovation field, this year Mercopar intends to expand business possibilities both for exhibitors and for visitors in attendance at the Grape Fest Trade Fair and Event Center in Caxias do Sul, from September 30 to October 3. With this in mind, SEBRAE/RS is preparing a series of activities that aim to provide information and facilitate access between governmental demand and business opportunities for micro and small enterprises.
One of the novelties in this run of the trade fair will be the Business Hall, which will offer an Opportunity and Public Procurement Center. This space will be equipped with a visual panel that will allow Mercopar’s exhibitors and visitors to view opportunities presented by governmental institutions contacted previously by SEBRAE/RS. The Opportunity Center will be a virtual station where micro and small enterprises can insert their products to be seen by potential buyers.
“We are assessing these demands with the most varied entities so that we will have as much information as possible available at Mercopar. Based on these opportunities and interest, business owners and visitors can find contact information to submit a proposal or enter into negotiation,” explains Márcia Ferran, the SEBRAE/RS Manager of Public Procurement Projects or Micro and Small Enterprises. The traditional Business Rounds will also take place in this same environment.
On 8/7/2014
De Zotti – Press Advisory