New exhibitors want to enjoy the potential of Mercopar

Caxias do Sul to host in October the traditional fair of industrial innovation and subcontracting
Photos: Companies trust in Mercopar for the marketing of their brands
Credits: Giovani Vieira/Mercopar Publicity
Caxias do Sul/RS – Prospecting new clients, developing marketing actions, reinforcing the presentation of the company to specialized audience and showing the market that it is necessary to act upon all fields, even in times of economic turbulence. These are the main topics and the focus that a large part of new companies at Mercopar will take into the greatest Industrial Innovation and Subcontracting Fair in South America, to be held October 4-7, in the city of Caxias do Sul. This fair will gather companies from the fields of industrial automation, rubber, electro-electronics, plastic and industrial services, expected to showcase their main products and the new releases.
MARATHON MOTORS – Among the new exhibitors we can find Regal Beloit do Brasil – Motores Marathon; their industrial park in Caxias do Sul produces motors for various purposes, including up to 2,400 kva customized special equipment. As of 2013, the company started to supply the national market, because up until that moment the focus was on the U.S. market. “And this is one of the reasons why we decided to invest in Mercopar, marketing our brand and our motors. We are ready to offer what the local industry needs: three-phase-motors, single-phase motors for pumps and brake motors, among others. This fair is a real reference when it comes to industrial subcontracting, especially when we have special visitors from our field”, declares the Financial Chief Officer, José Valdir Araújo. For him, the Brazilian economy begins to show signs of recovery. “I see many companies that have had to slow their pace, and they should recover their strength very soon. We want to be ready when the time comes,” says Araújo.
UNION TECNOLOGIA – Another company that is in Mercopar for the first time is Union Tecnologia, from São Paulo. They develop equipment for the metal-mechanic industry. According to their Director, Alessandro Gorgulho, the company wants to use the fair to expend the number of potential clients, besides looking for new market opportunities. “We want to make our products and services known in a new region, presenting our line of telescopic and folding protection covers, the complete line of Brinkmann Pumps, besides showing the helical pumps and skimmers (developed to separate contaminant oil in water or emulsion tanks),” says Gorgulho.
In 2016, Mercopar completes 25 years of existence and expects to create a positive environment for generating business in cooperation with Centro de Feiras e Eventos Festa da Uva, in Caxias do Sul. The fair is organized by the Support Service for Small Business in Rio Grande do Sul (SEBRAE/RS), and Hannover Fairs Sulamerica, a company from the Deutsche Messe AG Group.
De Zotti – Press