Mercopar Buying Project is an important tool to leverage business

Opportunity brings together micro & small companies and big buyers during the fair
Photo: Mercopar Buying Project: opportunity for business
Credits: Press/Mercopar
Caxias do Sul/RS – In the real business world, micro and small companies find it hard to get in touch with major buyers, and it can turn into an obstacle for doing business. Buyer’s Project (Projeto Comprador), which is part of Mercopar program since the first edition of the fair, in 1992, has been the proper stage to facilitate this much needed approximation between all-size companies, which translates into a concrete opportunity to supply products and services.
In the 2015 edition Mercopar Buyer Project, carried out through the well-known Business Rounds, was attended by nearly 60 buying companies, which welcomed the visit of over 300 small selling companies: 1,400 meetings were held, also including negotiations via Skype with companies abroad.
Those who wish to take part in the project could start registering since June for this edition of Mercopar, to be held October 4-7 at Centro de Eventos da Festa da Uva, in Caxias do Sul. Until Aug. 31, exhibiting companies must register at the Business Rounds Portal ( In the first two weeks of September it will be possible to see the list of buyers, analyze demands and select companies to schedule a meeting with. Later, buyers will analyze requests and schedules will be defined. Individual meetings, 15 minutes each, will take place in October 5 and 6.
During the rounds, each company must be ready to showcase their advertising material and have all the necessary information at hand, such as production capacity and price lists. “It is a huge contact and business opportunity, especially for micro and small companies, which must use all opportunities that come their way, particularly in the current circumstances,” points our SEBRAE/RS Superintendent Director, Derly Fialho.
Mercopar – Subcontracting and Industrial Innovation Fair is promoted by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service of Rio Grande do Sul (SEBRAE/RS) and by Hannover Fairs Sulamerica, a Deutsche Messe AG Group company. Check our website to register for visitation and for further information: