Mercopar has opened enrollment for the Buyer Project

Micro and small businesses can prospect leads with major buyers during the trade fair to be held in Caxias do Sul
Caxias do Sul/RS – Bringing small and micro business exhibitors closer to large national companies, aiming to close deals. This is one of the main goals of the Buyer Project, to be developed alongside the 23rd run of Mercopar – Subcontracting and Industrial Innovation Trade Fair, from September 30 to October 3, in Caxias do Sul. The project will come to fruition during the first two days of the event, September 30 and October 1, with prescheduled meetings that enable direct contact between representatives of companies looking to sell with those needing to buy.
The expectation for this year is that approximately 50 major companies from all over the country will participate as buyers, especially in the metal mechanics industry. “Exhibitors can sign up on or before August 31 via the SEBRAE website. This project opens a great opportunity for micro and small businesses, which often encounter difficulty gaining access to present their products and services. Mercopar enables this contact, making solid business opportunities possible,” emphasizes Jakson da Luz, Manager of Business Rounds for SEBRAE/RS.
INTERNATIONAL OIL, GAS AND ENERGY ROUND – Another key event for bringing Mercopar exhibitors and buyers together will occur on October 2, when the International Oil, Gas and Energy Round will be held. Buyer companies located in Latin America are being prospected so that they will have direct contact with the trade fair’s attendees. “Those interested in contacting these buyers can sign up until September 15. This round is a new concept and our expectation is quite positive regarding business possibilities,” adds the SEBRAE/RS manager.
Mercopar 2014 should have approximately 500 exhibitors presenting their latest developments in industrial automation, rubber, electro-electronics, energy and environment, metal mechanics, material movement and storage, plastic and industrial services. Mercopar is organized by the Micro and Small Business Support Service in Rio Grande do Sul (SEBRAE/RS – Serviço de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Rio Grande do Sul), and by Hannover Fairs Sulamerica, which is a member of the Deutsche Messe AG Group.
Visitor registration and additional information about the event can be found on the website
De Zotti – Press Advisory